Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tues. 1-25-11

Today, in class Dr. Pierce addressed trends in the world of social networking. He discussed our role as teachers in developing, assessing and creating activities that integrate technology to aid in improving teaching and learning. Technology is ever-changing. We as teachers should be confident and apply technology in personal, social, and cultural practices. We learned how social networking trends are not limited to computers, but extends to cell phones, video games, e-books, multimedia text to QR codes(connects cell  phone cameras to web content.) As teachers our job is to transform and become digitally literate. In our quest to become digitally literate, Dr. Pierce had us to use our gmail to create a calendar and embed it into our blog. It was really neat to embed the calendar. I look forward to becoming digitally literate.

Click here to see my full size calendar:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Resume-Day 2

Today, in class we learned how to publish a document to the web. We also created a blog post  and edited the post. We learned how to use some of the features in the blog such as changing the time settings. Then we created a hyper link to publish a document. Here is the hyperlink to my resume ---->  hyper link to published document