Thursday, February 24, 2011

Online Graphing Tools

Today in class we used online graphing tools. The tools allow you to purposefully create and publish online documents that contain text and graphics. Sometimes, complicated information is difficult to understand and needs an illustration. The graphing tools can help impress people by getting your point across quickly and aids visual communication. For today's class we used  the online graphing tool Kids' Zone  to create a bar and line graph. The information for our graphs was retrieved from NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress). Click here to see my West Virginia NAEP mathematics scores compared to the national math scores.Click here to see my West Virginia NAEP reading scores compared to the national scores.

ISTE NETS Standards:
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership: C) evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digitaltools and resources in support of student learning.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today we created a diigo account. Click here to see my diigo. Then we created a word cloud using wordle. Click here to see my word cloud. A word cloud is basically a frequency distribution of words from a text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.

ISTE.NETS 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning.d-model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning. We created a diigo account, added more links to our blogger, and created a word cloud using wordle. 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. A-design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Video Using Jing

Today, we created a short movie using Jing. Jing allows video capture as well as image capture. The output format is .swf- a Flash video file. Being able to capture images and video is important in that you can incorporate items from your screen into a variety of documents including word processing docs, web pages, and presentations. 

Click here to see my Jing video

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today in class we used the Jing. We created a Jing account and then we done an image capture. It was really neat. It was kinda like using the snip and grab. Jing allows users to have the ability to create an image from an item that appears on their desktop, such as a digital photograph, a graph created in a spreadsheet program or a map. Jing also provides the ability to make animations or videos that show users completing a series of steps useful for instructing others.Once the image or film is made, Jing allows users to upload the created file to a Jing website that provides a link users can share with others in an instant messenger, on their homepages, or using a social networking site. Click here to see my jing image.

Picasso Head

Today at the beginning of class we took a self-assessment test based upon our performance in the class. After taking the test we had to give ourselves a grade. Dr. Pierce wants each of to have an A in his class. After some brief discussion we moved on to creating a Picasso Head which is a fun online app that lets you create Picasso-style face paintings which look like they were created by a real artist. The website allows you to  drag-and-drop face parts (eyes, noses, lips, ears, eyebrows etc.) onto the canvas from the left column and it has menu buttons in which you can apply different colors and manipulate the objects (scale up/down, rotate, flip).When you are done with your painting you can send it to an email address and/or save it in the website’s gallery. I saved my Picasso Head to the website's gallery.
click here to see my picassohead

Thursday, February 10, 2011



Our assignment for today was to take an online test and make a case for or against the value of empathy in education. To see the link we used click here.
*Directions-Include your score and some observations including: Have you benefited from it? been hurt by lack of it? How will your instruction and assessment be impacted by it? Consider what are the important affective dispositions for educators.What does empathy have to do with the ISTE NETS?

Task: I took the empathy quotient test and I received a score of 54 (53-63 above average). While taking the test I observed that the test questions revolved around how in tune you where with another persons feelings. Basically it was a test to judge one's capability to share another being's emotions and feelings. I feel that I have personally benefited from taking this test.When I consider the important affective dispositions for educators, empathy is very important. A student’s emotions coming into the class affect the way, and how much they learn. Educators must be able to connect to, and understand their students in order to better serve their students Having empathy allows educators to communicate in caring way and demonstrate an understanding of others to establish a positive learning/teaching relationship. I also believe that having a  positive view of others and  meaningful purpose are important affective dispositions for educators. Empathy also much to do with ISTE NETS. Today, we live in a world increasingly connected through social network. Technology may be used as a tool to encourage and implement social good and communication within the classroom. Students can use innovative ideas, collaborate, think critically, and solve problems. Empathy has much to do with the ISTE NETS because it preparing students to work, live contribute, and communicate in the ever changing fabric of society.

click here to take your own empathy test

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Personality Test


For today's class we had to take the The Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II (KTS®-II) which is the most widely used personality instrument in the world. It has 70 powerful questions that helps individuals discover their personality type. The objective of the Keirsey Temperament test is to understand yourself as you really are – not the way, for example, you must react in your job, or others expect you to behave. I have personally have never had any experience with a personality test.  Based upon my readings there are four personality types: The Guardian, Rational, Idealist, Artisan.

  • As Concrete Cooperators, Guardians speak mostly of their duties and responsibilities, of what they can keep an eye on and take good care of, and they're careful to obey the laws, follow the rules, and respect the rights of others.
  • As Abstract Cooperators, Idealists speak mostly of what they hope for and imagine might be possible for people, and they want to act in good conscience, always trying to reach their goals without compromising their personal code of ethics.
  • As Concrete Utilitarians, Artisans speak mostly about what they see right in front of them, about what they can get their hands on, and they will do whatever works, whatever gives them a quick, effective payoff, even if they have to bend the rules.
  • As Abstract Utilitarians, Rationals speak mostly of what new problems intrigue them and what new solutions they envision, and always pragmatic, they act as efficiently as possible to achieve their objectives, ignoring arbitrary rules and conventions if need be. 

    Task 1:  If I had to describe my personality type, I would say that I fall somewhere between and Idealist and Guardian. The Rational and Artisan least describe me. I know myself and much like the Guardian, I know that I definitely follow the rules and respect the rights of others. However, I also relate to the idealists in that I try to reach my goals without compromising my own morals or code of ethics. I am the least like the Artisan, I do not believe in bending the rules to get what I want, that seems more like cheating.

    Task 2: For task two we had to actually take the Keirsey Temperament Test and record our results. Below are my results:

    When I took the test it revealed that I was a Guardian. I was actually right in regards to my original prognostication. I predicted that I somewhere between a Guardian and Idealists. I think knowing these results would better aid me in leading a group of students, teachers, or cadre of principles because I would be consciously aware of my duties and responsibilities. Being a leader means setting the example, obeying the rules and be respectful of others. Knowing that I am a Guardian will assist in giving me the composure to lead  a group with a steady hand and a quantifiable confidence.

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    Snipping Tool

    Today in class we discussed Implementing Research Projects using Google Apps. We discussed the three steps when implementing research projects when using Google Apps. which are: Steps 1) Develop a question 2) Get Data 3) Analyze Data. Some other points from today's class focused on User/Designer, Creating a form Editing, and Delivery. Then we took a survey in class about using Google Apps to conduct research project. The survey was titled (TCEA 2011). After we took the survey  we learned about the snipping tool, which allows you to do screen grabs. The snipping tool was a really neat feature that I never knew existed until today. Amazing what you can learn!!!

    Click here to see the survey

    Click here to see the survey sheet

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    click here to find my teaching philosophy website


    Due to weather conditions, Dr. Pierce made an executive decision to cancel class. Since we did not have class today, our assignment was to answer questions about our educational philosophy. We had to answer the following: Why you have chosen to teach, and what attracts you to your field? Teaching is, to some extent, a researched based profession. What you hope to emphasize in your teaching and what do you want to research? 
     Once we created our philosophy we had to experiment with using readability statistics. I played around with readability stats (Flesch-Kinkaid) and found it interesting. I also discovered that my writing could improve. Then we had to upload our document to a Google doc. and share and publish it as a web page. After we published our teaching philosophy, we had to create an avatar (basically a virtual character). We then copied and pasted the second part of our philosophy to the avatar. Once the philosophy was pasted, you could hit the play button to hear your avatar quote your speech. However, if you play my avatar below, you will find that even though she appears to be a woman, she has a man's voice. I couldn't figure out how to change the voice, so I have manly-woman!!! 
     click here to see my teaching philosophy website

    Tues. 2-1-11

    We did not meet for class. However, our assignment was to work on our resume. While working on my resume, I realized that I didn't care for the template that I picked out earlier in the semester. It just didn't jump and grab me, and there was not much room to add detail. For the time being it works, but I intend to change it later.