Sunday, September 4, 2011

Where I'm From Poem/ Photostory

Where I'm From

I am from where mountain rivers’ flow; from gentle summer evenings filled with fire flies glow.

I am from the valley of woodland shade; from where my kin folk are laid. I am from the where the rhododendron grows, and wildflowers build the meadows and gentle creeks flow.

I am from the sound of banjos and fiddles and sitting on porch stairs; from where the smell of homemade cornbread, fried chicken and mashed potatoes fill the air.

I am from where grace and thanks are always said and family ties are like precious threads.From where cousins run and play and stories and memories are told of yesterday.  

I am from the little white church where after Sunday services many hands help to prepare a feast. Adults gather around the table and children eat outside, on spread out sheets.

I'm from the small town of Burnsville where the rhythm has a slow care-free easy beat; where at night the stars and cool crisp air lull the folks to sleep. 

I am from my father’s heart and my mother’s love; from aunts, uncles, grandparents, character traits and personalities abound. But most importantly, I am from where love is found.  

Below is my Photostory


  1. I love the way you change the structure so that it rhymed! Looking forward to seeing the movie version!

  2. Wonderful pictures and it rhymed, which was a nice touch. Very nice, Julie. -Alyssa Farley

  3. - One thing I learned about you is that your family plays bluegrass music! I enjoy listening to bluegrass. You would love the Purple Fiddle in Thomas, West Virginia because they always have bluegrass shows.
    - Your family is similar to mine because we both have a close-knit family!
    - The best thing about your digital story is the song you chose. It sets the stage for your video and puts you in a specific state of mind.
    - I looked over the entire rubric and didn’t see anything that jumped out at me that needed fixed. Looks great, Julie!

  4. -I learned that you have a lot of family values and you are involved with your community.
    -Your family is different from mine because you have a lot of relatives around. It must be fun.
    -The best thing about your video was the scenery photos and the music, which set the tone for where you live.
    -It seems like you managed to achieve everything on the rubric, well done.

  5. From watching your photo story I learned that you and your family enjoy music, which is similar to my family as. Many of my family member know how to play something or sing, and I took advantage of that talent, which was passed to my brother who actually created the music for my photo story. I really enjoyed the scenery and family pictures, and how they emphasize the idea of family values in WV.

  6. One thing I learned is that you are very good at poetry. I love the descriptive words that you used in your poem. The pictures went well with the lines in the poem. You family is similar to mine in that we love get to get together and when we are together someone ends up playing the guitar and we all sing. Your pictures are beautiful and I think you did a wonderful job!
