The “dominant paradigm” that is showing signs of wear is the traditional approach to teaching, which is textbook driven and knowledge is conveyed generally through the teacher. The educational system needs to be moving toward project based learning which allows students to explore, collaborate, research and analyze information.
According to the research, how does Project-Based Learning support student learning better than traditional approaches? Describe three benefits and cite the studies.
The students engaged in project-based learning demonstrated a significant increase in scores on a critical-thinking test, as well as increased confidence in their learning (Shepherd, 1998).
Other short-term, comparative studies of traditional vs. project-based approaches have demonstrated several benefits from projects, such as an increase in the ability to define problems (Gallagher, Stepien, & Rosenthal, 1992), growth in their ability to support their reasoning with clear arguments (Stepien, Gallagher, & Workman, 1993)
Shepherd (1998) studied the results of a unit in which a group of fourth and fifth graders completed a nine-week project to define and find solutions related to housing shortages in several countries. In comparison to the control group, the students engaged in project-based learning demonstrated a significant increase in scores on a critical-thinking test, as well as increased confidence in their learning.
According to the research, how does Problem-Based Learning support student learning better than traditional approaches? Describe three benefits and cite the studies.
Meta-analyses of studies have found that medical students who are enrolled in problem-based curricula score higher on clinical problem-solving measures and on actual ratings of clinical performance (Vernon & Blake, 1993; Albanese & Mitchell, 1993) than peers who are not enrolled in such programs.
This approach has been found to be better, though, in supporting flexible problem solving, application of knowledge, and hypothesis generation (for a meta-analysis, see Dochy, Segers, Van den Bossche, & Gijbels, 2003)
Additional studies have demonstrated that students who participated in problem-based experiences are better able to generate accurate hypotheses and coherent explanations (Hmelo, 1998b; Schmidt et al., 1996) and to support their claims with well-reasoned arguments (Stepien et al., 1993).
According to the research, how does Learning by Design support student learning better than traditional approaches? Describe three benefits and cite the studies.
In one such study, however, Hmelo, Holton, and Kolodner (2000) asked sixth-grade students to design a set of artificial lungs and build a partially working model of the respiratory system. They found that the design project led to better learning outcomes than the traditional approach to instruction. They also noted that the design students learned to view the respiratory system more systemically and understood more about the structures and functions of the system than the comparison group.
What are the differences between the three approaches?
- Project Based Learning is an instructional approach built upon authentic learning activities that engage student interest and motivation. The activities are designed to answer a question or solve a problem and generally reflect the types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom.
- Problem-based learning (PBL) is an approach that challenges students to learn through engagement in a real problem. In a (PBL) students work cooperatively to investigate and resolve an ill-structured problem based on real-world issues or situations.
- Learning by design is "backward design" which is the practice of looking at outcomes, in order to design curriculum units, assessments and instruction.
In your opinion, what is the most important benefit to learning that is common across the three types of inquiry-based learning approaches?
Nice Job locating the important points made in the article! Looking forward to your answer to the opinion based questions!